Depression and Suicide in Adolescence: Statistics Driving Change for Mental Health

Depression and Suicide in Adolescence: Statistics Driving Change for Mental Health

Depression and suicide are a rising concern among adolescents across the country. The transition from childhood to adulthood comes with many challenges, and for some, the journey comes with struggles like depression and suicidal ideation.  Depression and suicide in adolescence statistics show that almost 250,000 emergency room visits occurred due to self-harm by youth and…

Cultivating Healthy Relationships: Codependency Versus Interdependence

Cultivating Healthy Relationships: Codependency Versus Interdependence

When it comes to relationships, the dynamics can vary significantly. Two concepts that often come up are codependency and interdependence. Even though these two terms sound similar, they represent two different approaches to relating to others. Understanding the distinction between codependency versus interdependence is critical for fostering healthy connections and personal growth. What is Codependency?…

Understanding the Importance of Adolescent Intensive Outpatient Programs

Understanding the Importance of Adolescent Intensive Outpatient Programs

Teenagers go through several changes – physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. During these years, teens increase their ability to think abstractly and set long-term goals. When mental health problems pop up, specialized care is required: enter adolescent intensive outpatient programs (AIOPs).  AIOPs have emerged as crucial resources for teens who are struggling with their mental…

Mental Health Facilities in Louisville, KY: Your Comprehensive Guide to Accessing Support

Mental Health Facilities in Louisville, KY: Your Comprehensive Guide to Accessing Support

1 in 5 adults in the United States experience mental illness each year – 746,000 live in Kentucky. Individuals seeking mental health support in Louisville have a range of options available to them, from counseling services to inpatient treatment facilities, all dedicated to supporting mental well-being. Explore the different mental health options available in Louisville,…

Rehab for Teens: Finding a Path to Sobriety

Rehab for Teens: Finding a Path to Sobriety

Growing up is tough, and teenagers trying to navigate emotions, peer pressure, and impending adulthood often find themselves trying drugs and alcohol – either as experimentation or because they are pressured or stressed. The National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics reported that 87.5% of teens surveyed in Kentucky had used marijuana and 9.67% had used…

Sobriety Stories: The Transformative Journey of Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Sobriety Stories: The Transformative Journey of Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Substance abuse is not an uncommon occurrence in society today. Treatment programs for drug and alcohol addiction rank high in facilitating long-term sobriety for individuals looking to live a drug and alcohol-free life. Sobriety stories from recovering addicts stand as beacons of hope and highlight the transformative power of drug and alcohol addiction treatment. These…

Understanding Pink Cloud Syndrome in Your Recovery Journey

Understanding Pink Cloud Syndrome in Your Recovery Journey

The term Pink Cloud Syndrome is often used by addiction recovery professionals to describe a state of euphoria and overconfidence that can occur early in sobriety or during the initial stages of recovery. It’s characterized by an unrealistic sense of optimism and an inability to accurately perceive the challenges ahead. While it may feel pleasant…

Understanding the Fine Line Between Alcoholism vs. Alcohol Abuse

Understanding the Fine Line Between Alcoholism vs. Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol is a prominent substance in society, holding a complex position in human culture. While moderate consumption is socially acceptable and even encouraged in some contexts, the misuse of alcohol can lead to heavy consequences. Two common terms used when describing alcohol misuse are alcoholism and alcohol abuse – although often used interchangeably, these terms…

9 New Year Mental Health Resolutions That Help with Addiction Treatment

9 New Year Mental Health Resolutions That Help with Addiction Treatment

The ball has dropped, and the new year has begun – now is the perfect time to reflect on our lives and set new goals. According to a survey, 38% of people make New Year’s resolutions, but only 9% keep them for the remainder of the year. For new year goal setters, 81% put mental…

Is Ketamine Addictive? Understanding, Treating, and Overcoming Ketamine Addiction

Is Ketamine Addictive? Understanding, Treating, and Overcoming Ketamine Addiction

Ketamine, also known by its street name “special K,” has seen a surge in popularity in recent years. The amount of the drug seized by law enforcement has grown by more than 1100% – with 127 pounds seized in 2017 and 1550 pounds in 2022. Unfortunately, much of the ketamine found on the streets is…